Tuesday, March 16, 2010


They came back the day before yesterday!
And whoa, look at the chocolates they bought for me!

This could be my two years' supplies!

Last time it's Freddo Frog chocolate, and now... Easter Eggs??


I guess they want me to grow fatter, so all they bought for me is food, food, and food!

My mum bought me a necklace though, and I love it!

My sis brought back the presents her friends gave her all this years, cute!!

Thanks for everything!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

World Behind My Wall - Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel had some great songs!

It's raining today
The blinds are shut
It's always the same
I tried all the games that
They play
But they
Made me insane
Life on TV
It's random
But means nothing to me
I'm writing down
What I cannot see
Wanna wake up in a dream

Whoa whoa
They are telling me
It's beautiful
I believe them
But will I ever know
The world behind my wall
Whoa whoa
The sun will shine
Like never before
One day I will be
Ready to go
See the world behind my wall

Trains in the sky
Are travelling
Through fragments of time
They're taking me to parts
Of my mind
That no one can find

I'm ready to fall
I'm ready to crawl
On my knees to know it all
I'm ready to heal
I'm ready to feel

Take me there!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


還記得快到達機場的時候,我們的車停在traffic light前,哥哥說:“看旁邊,鬼車!” 我們把頭轉去左邊,旁邊那輛Taxi,裏面藍色的燈一直在盞,那個司機突然轉過頭來,不懂爲什麽,拿出車裏面的麥克風好像要給我們,而且還面帶笑容看着我們。綠燈了,我們車走在前面,不懂是因爲我們車走得比較快還是怎樣,我轉頭望向後面,那輛車不見了,我看了好久好久,始終見不到那輛車。哥哥嚇我:“死咯,我們不懂看到什麽了。。。”
在那裏吃了簡單的晚餐后,他們是時候要上飛機了。送走他們,我跟爸爸上車了。其實剛到機場的時候,爸爸說他明天早上在KL有一個course要出席,說今晚就在親戚家住。我告訴他我不要,我要回家,媽媽也勸我說明天下午再回去。在車上,我一句話也沒說,兩個人就靜靜地看着前方的路。車開了大概半個鐘頭,爸爸突然說:“ 想回家啊?我們回去吧。我明天早點起身下KL就可以了。” 他打電話跟我舅舅說,我們今天不去他們家了。